Thursday, August 14, 2008

Editorial February 2008

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master,
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same....
Yours is the world you envisioned... and everything in it!
The last two months witnessed IIScians living by these
words from Rudyard Kipling's 'IF'.
It was a new year that began on a high(hike) and yet it had
its pitfalls. It was not about ambiguous resolutions but a
remarkable effort on the part of the student community to
come together and VOICE their issues. It was a common
goal, they came out triumph;however the journey has just
begun... and We at Voices applaud this commendable
effort. Kudos to the Student Council and all the
Volunteers who worked tirelessly representing the
oceanic population on campus.
A change is possible when we are aware of what needs to
be changed and also why and how? It begins with baby
steps.... The Voices Team did the first ever campus wide
survey to assess the level of services and amenities
accessed by the students. This brought to light some
predictable answers and some that threw us off our
chairs!So, let the Benchmarking begin.
Humor ensures that we take a insightful look at the
happenings around us! bhOndOO writes his take on the
scholarship hike. The fun and funny side of research
experiences comes as we Lighten up! On the Creative
bend, we have a poem highlighting the efforts of the IISc
Green Gang at trying to keep the campus clean and
Polythene free.
We begin our new section... Alumni Matters!- focusing
on the achievement of our Alumnus. This section
kickstarts with a feature on Dr. Urmi Chatterjee, who has
been awarded the Young HR Manager of the Year , All
India HR Summit 2007. We also retain our regular section
Gymkhana Corner and a Poll.
So, embrace the changes, empower your mind... and
enjoy this issue!!

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Rima, you are deeply loved

                                                  Rima at Infinitea, Bengaluru Dearest Rima, I wish I wasn’t writing this letter to you. B...