Tuesday, May 24, 2011


We always list what we love, what makes us happy, top this and top that...
Today, am in a mood to list the Top things that supremely irritate me, often pushing me to the edge of anger. People who know me will vouch for the fact that it takes a lot for me to lose my patience, get angry and shout at someone!!

When people blatantly lie
When people pretend
When the so called social status become a parameter of judgment
When people fake 'nicety'
When people take credit for work they have not done
When people do not give credit to people who have done the work
When people for the life of them can't praise someone
When people think they are the best, smartest...whatever est...
When people make politically incorrect statements(caste/ community/gender based)
and finally,
When people think they know everything...(for heavens or hells sake, grow up!)

am sure there are more...and i know these are personal thoughts...
some of the above may be well accepted or OK for some people...

All these instances make me feel, say and think...Urghhhhh!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

M trail

one moment things seem super complicated and the next, the answers just appear!
i like the next moment very much!!:)

Rima, you are deeply loved

                                                  Rima at Infinitea, Bengaluru Dearest Rima, I wish I wasn’t writing this letter to you. B...