Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Books in 2020


2020 has been a year like no other. In 2019, I made the resolution of reading at least one new author every month and was able to read at times, even more than one new author every month. To 2020, I added a resolution to read at least one non-fiction every month. Reading has been a great de-stressor. Some of these books have made me cry, some laugh and many of them have been thought provoking, influencing the way I think and lead my life. 

in 2019, I read about 29 books and the count is 39 this year! I read 15 non-fictions and also many of them are Debut novels. I also took to reading some books on the kindle. Reading a paperback or a hard copy still remains my favorite though. As we inch towards 2021, I want to read more this year, more new authors, more non-fiction and may be authors and stories from more diverse geographies.

 Happy Reading everyone! #LoveReading #BooksIn2020 #Fiction #NonFiction #DebutNovels #OneNewAuthorEveryMonth #SecondNewAuthorOfTheMonth #ThirdNewAuthorOfTheMonth #Happiness #Gratitude #ReadingResolutions 

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