Monday, February 4, 2019

Books I read in 2018

After a crazy reading block of a few months that was both surprising and disheartening, I picked up a book in May 2018 to meet my resolution of getting back to some reading during me-time! 13 Books in 2018 (May to December). Would have liked the list to be longer. Looking forward to more books in 2019! #LoveReading

I began this book in 2017 and have read bits and snippets over time. It has given me perspectives on things and has helped me understand myself better. Have decided to complete it, making this my last book of the year! An amazing book, gifted by an amazing woman  #BooksIn2018 #LoveReading#CurrentRead #Assertiveness#AWomanInYourOwnRight

Not sure if I will manage to read another book before the year ends, but am happy to have gotten my hand on this. Again a new author! #HolidayRead#BooksIn2018 #CurrentRead #Happiness #TrainTravel #LoveBooks

The last few weeks of the year I decided to read genres I have never read or authors I have never read! The first book in that quest is this. A brilliant read. For every time you felt entitled, just know that life is a lot more than that single defining moment.#CurrentRead #BooksIn2018 #MarkManson#LoveReading

There are many books that I hope Ira will read, but this is a book I want her to read! #Ira #Iraisms #BooksIn2018 #CurrentRead #ChimamandaNgoziAdichie#DearIjeaweleAFeministManifestoInFifteenSuggestions

A sequel as funny as the first one! When books give solace and laughter. #BooksIn2018 #CurrentRead

Reading one of my favourite authors! The initial pages have a work of Tagore. #BooksIn2018 #CurrentRead #PauloCoelho #BirthdayMonth#RabindranathTagore

There is some beauty about pre-loved books! This also has someone's official email id written Bought this at Blossoms in 2017 and finally beginning to read it. #BooksIn2018 #CurrentRead#PrelovedBooks

When he was reading The Subtle art and I was reading Half of a Yellow Sun

Ira said, "Mamma, am going to miss you!" just as I was leaving home today. #Ira #Iraisms #WorkingParent #WorkTravel #TalesAtFour #HeartMelting#HeartBreaking (Aug 29th 2018)

The last two months have been good for my mind and my heart. These 'friends' have given me company at every moment. Introducing my newest friend here. #HappyFriendshipDay #BooksIn2018 #CurrentRead

A gloomy afternoon, craving for some dessert and some me-time! It doesn't get any better than this  #BooksIn2018 #CurrentRead #LoveYogurt #LoveBooks

Bracing myself for over 4 hours of travel today! Amidst traffic and chaos, this book gives me company. #CurrentRead #BooksIn2018 #BangaloreTraffic#ABookForCompany

Dealing with a nasty asthma bout! Last 36 hours was crazy. When it hurts to talk and even breathe, best to find solace in a book. #CurrentRead#BooksIn2018 #KeigoHigashino #AsthmaHurts

Ira at Karate class and I make the most of that time sitting below a 'street lamp' and reading! We both having our 'Me-time'. #CurrentRead #LovingMurakami#Ira #Iraism #TalesAtFour #MeTime

"You know they say the higher you throw them when they're young, the more likely they are to learn how to fly!" #MyCurrentRead #LovingItAlready

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Rima, you are deeply loved

                                                  Rima at Infinitea, Bengaluru Dearest Rima, I wish I wasn’t writing this letter to you. B...