Thursday, February 13, 2020

Our 'Little Human Being' Graduates Montessori

         Ira and Mamma posed and Papa clicked

8th February 2020 is a milestone day for our little girl.

 Ira with her Certificate 
with the founder of her Montessori

She had her 4th Year Montessori annual day and her graduation. To just see her walk up that stage, take that certificate and pose must have been the moment of the year. Sadly, Papa was unwell and missed it (the first ever event at her school that he missed). Ira couldn't wait to tell Papa all that had transpired including the little gift Mamma won for answering a random quiz question.

                      Telling Papa everything

She also performed on a dance number and shyly smiled, which was preceded by waving and flying kisses to Mamma. A day that was as precious as our little one. Ira and Mamma missed having Papa with them on that day.

#Ira #Iraisms #IraAtFive #TalesAtFive #Happiness #Gratitude #IraGraduates #AnnualDay #JackfruitHouse #Parenting #LittleHumanBeing #MicroBlog 

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